
About Us

Dear parents,


Neşe Erberk Preschool- Joyfull House, is established in Istanbul-Turkey in 2002, educating children of ages 1.5-6 and serving as the pioneer and  unique talent development center. 

Our school, far from being the  memorizing and obedient education style of classical schools, is established for recognizing, developing and guiding the talents that children are born with that diminish within time because of not being noticed. We fulfill this task with the help of professional educational staff and with an education program that constantly change and evolve within time.

The ultimate goal of our school is to raise the children in a loving trustworthy environment, make them feel happy within the social group, mould them as self-confident, responsible individuals who are sensitive both to themselves and their surroundings.

Our educational program utilizes the program of the Ministry of Education in Turkey together with Gems (Science and math), Scamper (different thinking methods), Reggio Emilia (Project based learning) and High Scope (active learning) methods. In correlation with the education model we're shaping, we implement mother tongue activities, science-nature activities, play activities and preparatory reading&writing exercises. Moreover we use musical activities based on orff system, drama, ballet education in a rotating manner in order to support the holistic growth of the student as well as recognizing and developing his/her skills and talents in concept classrooms.

We are also open on weekends for hobby activities, mother and baby playgroup classes, birthday and party organizations .

Yours sincerely,

Neşe Erberk Preschool
